Product Sourcing

Finding factories to make your products is not difficult however finding reliable factories can be. We deal with the factories directly and all negotiations are done at a local level enabling us to secure the best quotes possible. We help you avoid sourcing directories that can over-charge you and provide slow generic responses and spam. We always work with our client's best interests in mind. We want a long-term sustainable relationship and place huge emphasis on quality and attention to detail. We also strive to keep you informed every step of the way. Your success is as important to us as our own.

Advantages we provide :

  • Knowledge of local Business Culture
  • Existing networks and relationships with suppliers
  • Local presence
  • Proficiency in local languages
  • Awareness and experience
  • Ability to understand our Customers
  • Experience with the manufacturing and export process
  • Experience with branding and prototype development

Tell us what product you need and let us find the right factory to have it produced for you. Whether you are a new our existing Business, let us save you money

Our compensation is based on a percentage of the total shipment value. We will add this cost to the quotation that we provide. In our experience even with our costs included our clients save money and have peace of mind.