Based on our experience we have found that Managing quality in China isn’t just about finding defects but preventing problems from the offset. The way to go is to communicate the problems you don’t want from the beginning in order to minimize risk and stress later.
Factories usually produce products based on receiving a percentage payment up front about 30% and the other 70% of the order cost paid on completion. We are on hand to check the products before the balance is paid and provide a thorough inspection and report of product quality. Depending on requirements, we are available to visit the suppliers at anytime during the production process as required. Obviously our local positioning makes this easier and more cost effective than you flying to China yourself. However if you do visit yourself we can offer you any local support necessary and ensure you have an amazing experience travelling in China.
Our experience with factories reaches across numerous Countries in Asia and we have a network of local experts we have worked with in the past, feel free to ask us for assistance in any Country in Asia. You’ll be surprised by the quality and reasonable cost of our services.
Even if you have an existing relationship with your supplier/s in China we are happy to provide quality support and expertise, do get in contact with us.